about Timmy the artist
Timmy Mallett is an award winning serious Modern Impressionist Fine Artist, whose work is eagerly sought after by collectors.
He paints in oils, acrylics, and watercolour and takes his inspiration from trips all over the World.
Regarded by many as one of our leading Modern Impressionists, he is inspired by sunshine and shadow, the changing seasons and the magic of the moment. His paintings glow with warmth, light and colour. Not surprising when the man, known to millions, is colourful and enthusiastic.
Known as the Cycling Artist, Timmy uses his Worldwide cycling adventures as the catalyst for his paintings, both en-plein air and in the studio. Timmy’s aim is to reach his potential in art and adventure.
The biggest trip he’s undertaken is to cyle and paint the ancient pilgrimage route - The Camino De Santiago - alone, from home for two months with just his bike and his paints. The collection of artwork is still growing. Here you can see some of the highlights of that adventure, inspired by his elder bother, martin, who with Down Syndrone, language and learning difficulties reached his potential every day of his life.
A love of painting came at an early age and after learning to paint with his father and brothers, Timmy then studied History of Art as part of his degree at Warwick University.
Painting was always an integral part of his TV filming trips.
His regular exhibitions across the UK and Europe are testament to Timmy's discerning eye and ability to convey it to canvas
Carpe Diem - seize the day Reach Your Potential!